ndustrial threnody
Caprice for Solo Violin and fixed-format electronics | Composed 2023 | Written for Amelia Korbitz
-Either an electric violin or a violin with a high-quality pickup
-Effects systems (either digital or analog pedals) similar to an electric guitar
-Stereo speakers for fixed-format electronics
Click-track and fixed audio available by request from the composer (isaaccreagercomposing@gmail.com).
Throughout the course of Industrial Threnody a violin line is infected by the industrial soundscape underneath, demonstrating the change that someone undergoes from the intense physical and mental stress of an industrial job.
The electronics are inspired by the sounds surrounding me while I worked in industrial environments. It is constantly dense and overwhelming, without too much dynamic change, just like the background noise of the industrial environments I spent time in. They were created in Ableton Live with various samples I recorded and from using my electric cello as a percussive and melodic instrument.
The player should feel free to be creative with the effects usage. The boxed text indicates what the composr had in mind, however the performer is encourages to experiment and come up with their own timbres, as long as they fit in the theme of the work and don't obscure the musical ideas.
The squares with dots inside represent clicks from the click-track.